Sunday, 13 March 2016

We are skillful readers

"No two persons ever read the same book."

–Edmund Wilson 

Our students are learning to read with expression.

After visiting the website they got to hear what a good reader does as she reads a story aloud.
  • They speak clearly. 
  • They modulate their voice depending on the character's feelings and situation, and when different characters are introduced at various points in the story. 
  • They pause for effect. They cackle, and sob, and rasp away...
Skill Factor 
The students practiced reading to a buddy; and then they read aloud at home.

Will Factor
Most students took on the challenge of reading out aloud to an audience. In class, we have often spoken about moving out of our comfort zone in order to learn. This learning engagement provided the perfect opportunity for them to do so.

Thrill Factor
Listening to the final product, and realizing that they have met their success criteria gives the students the confidence they need to set the bar higher. They also get to see each other's videos and learn from them.

Come and let us listen to them...

Once upon a time... 








Hana Y

What if Kid's narrated BBC's Planet Earth?

Take a look...


  1. Wow! Well done to the 6B readers! We have also been working on our fluency goals and recorded ourselves to listen back in 6A! We hope to have some videos to add to these on Friday 18th March! Hopefully we can share our fluency success with parents on Monday 21st!

  2. Great! Would love to hear from our buddies :)

  3. Thank you for sharing this with us Grade Six. I really enjoyed reading this blog post. In fact, hearing you read inspired me to put together my own 'reading with expression and fluency video.

    1. Wow Mr. Towse! Your ready very well indeed!

  4. We are also learning to read with expression in Grade 1. Perhaps you could come and teach us some of what you have learned.

  5. Yes, We've become quite good at it!

  6. We would love you to read in the library/MC. Perhaps you could read between 8.00 and 8.15

  7. Wow these are great Grade Six. Mr Towse shared these with me and I will do the same with other teachers around the world. Thank you for creating these fantastic videos.
