Monday, 26 September 2016

Seisen Learner Profile in Action

Marina and Anna were spotted on the Green Top at break time with their Writer's Notebooks! They explained that they were so excited about their writing that it couldn't wait to read each others until after recess! What attributes of the Seisen Learner Profile or what PYP Attitudes are these students showing? Please leave your comments below with a short explanation!


  1. This shows enthusiasm as well as reflectiveness, because they are looking back and examining the writing so that they will be able to improve it the next time, as well as they are showing great interest and eagerness to do writing in their free time.

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  3. I agree with Sonal because it tells that Anna and Marina were excited to share their stories during recess so this picture shows that they were enthusiastic.

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  6. I agree with Sonal and Mia A. because the picture shows that Anna and Marina were eager and enthusiastic to work on their writing during recess.

  7. I think this shows communication skills because they are sharing their work and knowledge. They also show they are enthusiastic learners because they spend their free time in learning and examination. Also, they are reflectors because they are reflecting and sharing on what they have learned to learn from their mistakes and more.

  8. Do I need to comment too? If so, I think Anna was showing respect because she didn't laugh at my spelling mistakes or my dirty handwriting.

  9. i think that Marina and Anna were enthusiastic and communicators because they were excited to share their story! Good job guys!

  10. I think that Marina and Anna is reflective because they reviewed their work at recess to make the story better.

  11. I think that Marina and Anna is cooperating and communicating to make Marina's work better.

  12. I think that Marina and Anna are all being a thinker. Because they even still do their work and think hard at it at recess time.

  13. I think that Marina is being very caring and cooperative because she is letting me read her writing and listening to my suggestions so that we can improve her writing even more ( because it was amazing as it was). Also I think the whole class is being caring because they are saying good things about me and Marina, Thanks for that!
